Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Found a new resource and was immediately captivated....

The article that captured my attention was a story about running off your pastor, something that we in the Methodist church are all too familiar with either by first or second hand experience.  It's pretty easy to do in this denomination because the politics of the Methodist church promote moving pastors anyway.  Rather than a pastor growing a church where he is planted, they are typically used as fertilizer for their own careers.  If you think of it in terms of stepping stones, our little church would be one of the lower stones on the climb up to......to.......I don't know what they're climbing to or for?  It is one of the sadder aspects of the Methodists.  Anytime politics are this intertwined with faith, there will be a conflict of interest.  I'm really not dissing the pastors for their climb; ambition is valuable and natural I suppose.  It's just an unfortunate aspect of this religion I've chosen to worship God within.  Luckily for me, it is God that I worship and it is Him that I put my faith in, not my religion nor my pastor.

Another interesting article while skimming through my new resource was the movie review page.  Because watching movies is one of my favorite past times, this grabbed my attention.  The Hunger Games is reviewed here and I agree very strongly with his take on it.

For those of us who still see the value of hymns, there is a plethora of information for you as well.  This one, I must share with our pastor, you know the one that I'm hoping will not be leaving us next week as our denomination plays their version of chess with our pastors.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Who is your hero?

As Father's Day approaches and Memorial Day has passed, this video is a nice reminder of both:  Heroes

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

This Little Light of Mine

Another inspiration for this blog is Vaction Bible School.  I'm not a big fan of children.  It's true; they're needy and whiny and just not my thing.  Teenagers I can handle, but small children........not so much.  So, my daughter-in-law always asks me to help her do VBS at our little country church.  It's going on this week and oh, my how those little creatures can wear me down! 

Once upon a time, I had a conversation with my husband about how people would rather lay in their beds doing nothing on Sunday morning than get dressed up in their Sunday best and go worship God for an hour or two.  It puzzled me how a tradition that was instilled in us in childhood could be abandoned in adulthood.  He said that I was the weird one and that it wasn't actually instilled in the majority of families.  Imagine my shock to discover that going to church in the Bible belt was not the norm!  It certainly is not the norm now.

Back to VBS:  considering that I'm not really into children, it was my opinion that every parent on the planet would LOVE to get rid of their kids every night of the week to have a couple of hours of peace in their home.  However, that was not what we experienced the first night; it was a miniscule attendance.  Do parents really enjoy their children that much that they can't part with them for an in depth study of God?  That hasn't been my experience with the parents of these children...........most are plopped down in front of a TV or video game to occupy their active imaginations.  It seems that occupying their imaginations with the love of God for a couple of hours is time better spent, but that's just me.

You see, I still believe that 'Jesus Loves Me' and the answer to the question, 'Do Lord, Do You R'member Me?' is "Yes, I Do!".......and more than ANYTHING, I want my child to know those things too!!!!!

Why Blog?

Never have I understood the purpose of blogging, but I was inspired today by my daughter-in-law.  Facebook is just that, a facade.  Some people spill their gutts there, but others just complain about those who do.  So, it remains a glimpse at the perfect side of your life.  I've used it primarily for the photo storage of the youth group I lead which I suppose is the perfect side of my life.

Many youth leader peers have helped guide my trek through their blogs, and I suppose this too will be a youth leader blog.  However, another inspiration is fueling the creation of 'Why Do Church?'  It is just that question.  I've intentionally chosen the Parthenon in Athens because it is in ruins, but still revered as ideal.

This will be something like Apologetics in that I will attempt to define daily why I have devoted my life to the Church.  In this definition, Church is the body of Christ.  This is what I will explore in this blog.