Monday, June 17, 2013

Women in the Workplace....Biblical?

Our governor recently commented that our educational system has been in a constant state of decline because women are in the workplace.  Yes, yes, I know that it reveals he is sexist, but what else does it reveal?

Last week I spontaneously cancelled our youth group meeting for the first time in twelve years.  It wasn't because I was sick or disgusted or even because the van wouldn't start (which was, however, the impetus of the cancellation).  It was because I have been so stressed out over work that I had not taken the small amount of time needed to prepare for my Wednesday night meeting and I had run out of time.  My deadline two days later had taken precedence over the teenagers at church.  Is this what our governor was getting at?  If women work outside the home, will our children be stupid?

There it is........."if they work outside the home"'s not that women didn't work in the era of time our governor was claiming to be riddled with better educated children; it's that they didn't work "in the workplace"!  In my meager educated brain, women working in the workplace seems to mean that women are more educated than in my mother's era.  My mother by the way, went to work when we began school!  Can you guess why?  No, of course you can' was to put my father through college so that he could become a minister.  Ironic?  More irony?  My father, the minister, refused to support me financially during my college career.  Okay, all of that is TMI, and WAY off topic, but is really going to get around to something Biblical.

So, back to the question:  If women work outside the home, will our children be stupid?  My mother worked from the time I was six, and I'm not stupid.  I've worked since the time my son was two weeks old and he's not stupid.  Yes, I realize that that would not be considered empirical evidence, but from my small sampling, I think our governor was mistaken, and yes, extremely sexist.

Oh, so how is this in any way shape or form related to the Bible?  Jesus had women support his ministry FINANCIALLY!!!  It's true, you naysayers or ____________ (fill in the sexist religion of your choice) need to turn quickly to Luke 8:  1-3.  Also, it is a well known fact that Paul had help from a female with financial support.  Now, whether or not these women's children were stupid?  Who can say?

The reason for my post?  If I am to succeed at my day job, I will occasionally drop the ball of my volunteer youth leader job.  Guilt overwhelmed me last week, but I'm much better this week....I finished my deadline!?!  If sexism were alive and well in the Methodist church, last Wednesday there would have been a man responsible for leading the teenagers in the way they should go instead of leaving it up to some woman in the workplace!